Finances - Drought - Commodities Market - Politics - Legacy
What’s overwhelming you? It’s a really hard time to be in agriculture right now, but WE ARE HERE TO HELP. You don’t have to go it alone.
CAAMHP provides members of our agricultural and rural communities with six free sessions to an ag friendly, licensed behavioral health professional. It’s anonymous and in many cases, can be accessed remotely.
Colorado Farm Bureau, Colorado Department of Agriculture, Colorado Cattleman's Agricultural Land Trust, AgrAbility, Rocky Mountain Farmers Union and many others have partnered together to care for farmers and ranchers who have been most deeply impacted by severe and persistent drought, instability in the commodities market, misinformation targeting consumers and rapidly changing political climates. Depression and anxiety are heavy burdens to carry alone and we want to come alongside members of our community that are hurting by providing tangible services that offer the necessary tools to combat these realities.